Low back pain is not only a pain in the back. The well-being of the spine and spinal cord, associated with thin nerve fibres with all the internal organs, affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys, lungs and intestinal tract, and also for its general condition. Maybe you will amaze, but also the depression can occur because of traumatic events in a person's life, but only because, in consequence of the destruction of the cervical vertebrae pinch nerves related to the brain. How to treat folk remedies this disease.
Low back pain is extremely severe and unpleasant illness. It is often accompanied by pain in the lumbo-sacral and in one of the lower limbs. According to the latest medical data, the main cause of back pain is degenerative (destructive) process in the intervertebral discs. Osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs — special cartilage of the structure, that provide our backbone flexibility and mobility, they are defective. When the back pain progresses, irreversible changes arise already the vertebrae.

Causes of degenerative disc disease
The causes of the onset of degenerative disc disease can be many, and, as is often the case, can not be called a main. Negative factors superimposed on each other, and as a result there occurs the disease.
With age lose their elasticity, the cartilage becomes less resistant. Because of this, the intervertebral discs evil are restored after the loads. Uncompensated load on one side of the body, slowly but inexorably, undermining the health of the spine: the seat posture asymmetrical, the transfer of load in one hand, maintaining a certain posture long period of time (for example, reading, lying on its side), the use of any errors in the pillows and mattresses for sleeping (the head is tilted toward the body, the body is irregularly). This can cause protrusion of the intervertebral disc, and none crush coming from the corresponding vertebra of the nerve. And this is already the spear, the disease associated with the department of the organ.
Malnutrition is closely linked with another cause of degenerative disc disease — the obese. The excess weight is not only an additional load on the spinal column, the lack of muscular elasticity and the reduction of mobility. Rich in carbohydrates and fat food causes rapid saturation, but these "empty" calories do not give the body of anything useful - neither vitamins nor minerals, nor of the vital energy. And without calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and other minerals in the cartilage and the bones become more porous and more quickly degrade under load.... Then, much as it is sad, will have to give up the sweet, roasted, sweet, and semi-finished products, and go on a diet, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables. Moderate should be the consumption of cereals, sunflower seeds and oil, oils, cheeses and ricotta. Meat, butter, fresh baked goods, dairy products, fats, salt and coffee need to severely limit, and ultimately, ideally, and is not giving up.
The previous two reasons, it combines the third violation of the metabolism. The metabolism is the body's ability to accept, absorb and digest the food, that they receive the energy and material for the construction of the cells. Usually these processes are regulated automatically, as the process of maintaining internal balance of mineral makeup. Entry of food the body takes exactly the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water it needs for normal operation. If it comes to the shortage of certain substances, violations of protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, or water exchange. Consequences of metabolic disorders of the skeletal system can become osteoporosis and in the deposition of salts — frequent satellites degenerative disc disease.
A flat foot and wear shoes uncomfortable, high heels are also causes of degenerative disc disease. Violation of the constitution of the arch of the foot forces the spine to excessively compensate for the load that occurs in the process of walking, the body weight is properly distributed.
Other causes: injury to the spinal column, and disorders in the structure of the vertebrae and cartilage, sedentary lifestyle, the effects of which we will discuss later, the hard physical work and permanent lifting weights, not giving the spine a chance to recover, a half-abrupt interruption of sports activities and the weakening of muscle tension and stress, which can be crushed blood vessels and the nerves leading to the brain.
The symptoms
When you may receive the suspicion that your spine is not all in place, and the time to turn to a specialist for a diagnosis?
The beginning of the disease can go unnoticed: sometimes the patients feel only numbness or discomfort in a particular place in the spinal column, depending on the location dystrophic changes.
Depending on which department of the spine has become the "weak point" and succumbed injuries, degenerative disc disease, can appear the following symptoms of the disease.
When the cartilage between the vertebrae shrivel up and flat out, and the holes and channels accordingly narrow, transmission artery the spinal-tight, and the brain makes the symptoms of lack of oxygen as pain, dizziness, anxiety). Just at this moment, may develop chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, a person experiences a lack of constant vitality.
Then uncomfortable the unconscious can join headaches and dizziness, loss of hearing and of sight, if it is cervical osteoarthritis.
Numbness and pain during the movement of the hands, which surround the chest pain you experience during breastfeeding osteochondrosis.
Lumbar, low back pain characterized by pain when walking, slopes, periodic pain in the pelvic joints, and pain, as the groin and legs.
All these signs of a breach of the health and physiological of the spine, which he does not reconcile well with the tasks entrusted to it workloads.
That means the term "back pain"? Translated from the Greek osteon meaning "bone", chondros — "cartilage", end,-os — non-inflammatory disease, and, in general, is a degenerative process, that is, the ageing of the cartilage and bone tissue.
The type of violation, and which departments of the vertebral column are, depend, and the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. That affects all areas of the spine, back pain can affect the Cervical, thoracic, lumbo-sacral and departments, complicated by sciatica, spondylosis, sciatica, "shot", intervertebral hernias.
Cervical back pain
The localization of the degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical back pain), have often. The cervical spine suffers most often in people who have monotonous work — designers, programmers, secretaries, dentists, watchmakers, etc. usually, the development of cervical osteoarthritis contribute in the saddle of the steering wheel and the long work at the computer. The main signs and symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis include: headache, dizziness, pain in the hands and chest, back pain, numbness of the tongue.
With osteochondrosis of the cervical often hurts and my head is spinning, eyes dark, pressure rises. Through transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae over the channel for the spinal cord is the channel for the so-called vertebral artery. It is proposed in the cavities of the skull and nourishes the cerebellum, the vestibular system and shopping centres, are located in the neck and the base of the brain. The displacement of the vertebrae causes the reflected spasm of vertebral artery, and in more serious cases - — and the compression of her. In this way, you broke the flow of blood centers of a balance and a series of autonomous centres for the control of vital processes. It is this process and is the reason why so widespread diagnosis of "asked".
Osteochondrosis cervical spine may be present, and radicular symptoms (cervical sciatica), the pain gives in his hand, sometimes in the individual fingers of the hand are numb, become cold. The reason for this — violation of the passage of a pulse to the fiber of bulimia nervosa. To numbness or another finger, you can judge on the offset of the specific vertebra.
Thoracic back pain
The thoracic spine osteochondrosis hit very rarely. One of the main reasons for the development of breast degenerative disc disease is a curvature of the spine (scoliosis). As a general rule, all of the assumptions for the development in the future, the osteoarthritis form to the school. The thoracic spine is less mobile, so the signs and symptoms of breast degenerative disc disease are very different from the symptoms of cervical or lumbar osteoarthritis. In most cases, the main difference between osteoarthritis is the lack of acute pain and the presence of a single stupid, complain of back pain.
The primary symptoms and characterized osteoarthritis are: pain in the chest, numbness, feeling of pins and needles in the breast area, pain in the heart, liver, stomach. Very often thoracic back pain disguised as other diseases (e.g., angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, peptic ulcer, gastritis).
Because of this, because its symptoms can be confused with, for example, myocardial infarction, or pneumonia. The pain associated with osteochondrosis of the spine, long, similar to the pain of neuralgia. Sometimes the pain can give under the scapula, which is suspecting a heart attack. The distinction between coronary artery disease and the pain of neuralgia is that osteochondrosis of the patient's normal (or near normal) ecg (no symptoms), as strong as pallor, cyanosis, sellistest of the skin, cold sweat, etc
Thoracic back pain, also, that in and of itself is associated with a variety of painful symptoms (pain, reactions neurological), dangerous, a fact that causes the development of serious diseases-adjacent to the department of the vertebral column of the internal organs.
Lumbo-sacral back pain
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, lumbar, low back pain — more frequent. This is due to the fact that the lower part of the back (lumbar vertebrae), usually, represent the base load. Often the lumbar, low back pain can be complicated hernia discal lumbar.
The primary symptoms and characterized lumbar osteoarthritis are: pain in lumbar spine (back pain bother a person for many years and are characterized by a frequency, sharpening in autumn-winter period), limitation of mobility, pain in the legs. Very often, when lumbar osteochondrosis observed acute (back pain) or pain in the legs, engaging a part of the foot (e.g., rear or side of the thigh). Also, the pain can be an increase or a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the foot (on the thigh or calf) to the touch, or pain — these are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease explained choke the roots of the spinal cord.
The most frequent cause of degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc in the spine lumbosacral — traumatic (fracture or compression injury chronic).
In the lumbar area of the nerve root is formed the so-called sciatic nerve, nervus ischiadicus, from which the name complications — sciatica. When the violation of the nerve pain spreads in movement the nervous trunk in the buttocks area, below the knee, sometimes to lay their eggs or the heel. In advanced cases, it is possible to significant eating disorders distribution of the torso, then the leg numb. The symptoms of loss of sensitivity very persistent, at times numbness is maintained for a long time.
When the violation of the sciatic nerve the man begins to limp, avoiding to transfer the weight of the body on the painful side inclined in a healthy way, to push to the utmost the vertebrae on the affected part of the body and therefore reduce the pressure of the back. In the course of time in consequence of the treatment of the pain passes or become tolerant. If the vertebra is not reduced, is maintained, the curvature of the spine. In this case, the load on the intervertebral disc, already damaged, is distributed non-uniformly, which leads to further exaggeration and destruction.
The most annoying thing complication lumbo-sacral and degenerative disease of the disc — vertebral instability. The disk does not resolve the vertebra, with a load under the action of the force of gravity lumbar "slip" with the sacred. Develop pathological processes in in the vicinity of internal organs. The patient advocate, the more I realize traction, consistent with the pain. With the proper conduct of the procedure, the pain should decrease, not increase.
Access statistics to your doctor about the degenerative disc disease is small — only up to 20% of potential patients. Usually, they are already then, when it all becomes unbearable. However, low back pain is a risk much more than it seems at first sight. Timely recourse to the doctor, in the early stages of development of degenerative disc disease will allow you to significantly reduce the processing time and the rehabilitation period.