Osteoarthritis of the knee – the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system, is the complete destruction or the deformation of the cartilage tissue. According to the statistics from he suffers up to 22% of the total population of the world. At the bottom of what is a common disease in people of advanced age or athletes. Every person who has dealt with the unpleasant disease, the question arises: how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee?

The causes of osteoarthritis
Before starting directly the treatment of osteoarthritis, it is necessary to understand what it is born. The reasons for this are very different:
- a big load of work. Active physical activities should be age appropriate. Then the man after the age of 40 it is advisable to go in for sport reasonable limits and load conditions. Not cope with the task heavy, which place elderly people, the joints do not survive and are damage. Sometimes they can appear cracks, which is clearly not seen, and the damage they can inflict come huge;
- the number of injuries. This becomes a source of arthritis in young people. Any fracture, dislocation, or lesion of the meniscus can result in the development of the disease. Because to cure the injury, it is necessary to lock the knee. The deterioration when the circulation and leads to arthritis;
- obesity and excess weight. The entire weight of the body to go to knee, cartilage collapses under the load, which leads to disease. If the obesity are still there, and varicose veins, it is possible to develop a severe form of arthritis;
- disorders of the metabolism. In such a situation is often the lack of calcium, that negatively influences on the state of the bone and cartilage in general;
- a situation of stress. Any nervous stress, stress has a negative effect on the health of the joints of a person. To avoid this, is worth more than the rest, not to overdo it and always to alternate mental work with physical.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee
The symptoms with osteoarthritis of the knee are very different, but are very characteristic:
- the pain. In the early stages of the disease is quite weak and you feel during an intense effort. Last may and a couple of years, until the illness does not worsen. When osteoarthritis of the knee of grade 2, the pain becomes more pronounced. The knee can also hurt at rest after a long walk or lift heavy things;
- crunch. It is characterized by severe pain. Appears in 2-3 stages of osteoarthritis;
- the deformation. In the early stages of the knee is slightly swollen, and then begins to change its shape;
- limited mobility. It occurs in the later stages of the disease. All attempts to bend and straighten the knee causes a sharp pain. The movement is only possible on the folded legs;
- cyst Baker. So-called elastic seal on the back of the knee. Occurs because of the accumulation of a large amount of joint fluid. Easily treated without surgical intervention.
The degree of osteoarthritis

- 1 the degree of osteoarthritis of the knee flowing almost asymptomatic. Can be characterized by tiredness in the legs, and the momentary violation of the mobility, which occurs after sleep. The pain may be negligible. Identify the pathology is only possible with the help of x-rays.
- 2 the degree of arthrosis of the knee pain becomes tangible. There is a case of long periods of load in common and disappears after a long vacation. It adds crunch when you walk, the progression of synovitis (cyst Baker), the change of the bones of the joints, difficulty in flexion of the knee.
- 3 the degree of osteoarthritis of the knee enjoys strong pain in the outside of loads. The second characteristic is always man's inability to bend the leg at the knee only. The pain is very disturbed during sleep, the affected area actively reacts to changes in climate. Deformation of the joint of the knee can cause disability.
The diagnosis of the disease
For a start, the doctor queries the patient and observes him. After this, you need to survey awarded in the form of x-ray. Moreover, the doctor can direct the magnetic RESONANCE imaging and computerized tomography. With the help of such a complex procedure, it is possible to understand the exact causes of the disease and understand that it is knee osteoarthritis, and not another disease.
Ways to treat osteoarthritis of the knee
When the diagnosis is made, you can start to break down the treatment. It includes several methods:
- The pharmacological treatment.
- Therapy with massage, physiotherapy.
- An immediate intervention.
- The recovery.
Very important are the people, physical, massage and diet. Complete the treatment to eliminate the pain, to determine the motor function of the joint, for the ability to rebuild the cartilage.
The treatment with the medication drugs
Drugs to a greater extent focused on liberation from pain, as well as prevents you from starting the most immediate treatment. For this the doctor prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, ointments, gels.
When all of the above does not help, the treatment prescribed hormonal drugs. This method can cause very many side effects. That is why it is prescribed only for short courses for their application.
- Ointments may relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation.
- Hyaluronic acid is a very effective means in the early stages of osteoarthritis. The drug is injected directly inside the joint. This procedure should pass only an expert. In fact, in the case of infiltration of acid in the blood may be large complications.
- Symptomatic drugs to watchmaking that can influence the cause of the appearance of osteoarthritis, particularly in the initial phase. Drugs to restore the production of joint fluid and damaged the cartilage.
Physical therapy
This treatment is very effective in the early stages of osteoarthritis of the knee: relieving pain, it helps to recover the functional abilities of the joint, eliminates spasm of the muscle. A personalized program of physical activities, collects doctor on the basis of the results of the survey.
Immediate intervention
The surgical treatment is different. Depends on both the degree of intervention:
- arthroscopy. This procedure is performed with the introduction of an endoscope and auxiliary tools specially made bites into the joint. Thus are disposed of the tissue, which has become a source of pain. The operation is delicate and can be repeated several times. Also takes place in the first stage of the disease;
- osteotomy. It is an artificial fracture to the bone have fused properly. You perform this procedure during the deformation of the joint of the knee;
- arthroplasty. This is done by completely replacing the injured at the knee for the implant.
A proper diet
Very often, the cause of the development of osteoarthritis can become a simple error in the metabolism. After all this leads to weight gain and obesity, which becomes the cause of osteoarthritis. That is why during the treatment period it is necessary to follow a special diet.
The patient should eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements, but also counting calories. Need to eat often and in small portions, which will speed up the metabolism. The breakfast should be full and satisfactory, to make a supply of energy for the whole day. In the course of the diet must be present cereals, vegetables, vegetables, fruits and vegetables.
Exclude from receiving need fatty and salty foods, soft drinks, semi-finished products. Not recommended the consumption of bananas, grapes, cabbage, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, all the pastries and chocolate. Don't forget that in this period, as never before, need proteins. Therefore, the consumption of cheese, yogurt, and cheese should be a must.
Dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. Throughout the day you should drink up to two litres of water. Of course, if the patient does not suffer from kidney disease.
The popular medicine
A cure for osteoarthritis of the knee can be cooked with his own hands. This can be all kinds of ointments, compresses, rubbing, lotions. But use only in combination with other drugs and only after consultation with the doctor.
- The tooth of a lion. Its flowers washed and eat up to 6 pieces per day. Still a decoction. To this dried dandelion pour boiling water. After it has cooled down, drink 1/3 cup three times a day. Is also preparing an infusion of dandelion. For its preparation it is necessary to take a dark bottle, fill its blossoms, and pour the alcohol. After a month of maceration can be used as a rub in the affected joint.
- The aloe. Purified his paper, it is possible to fit the knee for the entire night. This will help to reduce the pain and relieve the swelling. This plant can prepare the instrument for rubbing. For this in a meat grinder crushed a dozen leaves. After squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix it with half a glass of honey. Add 150 ml of wine and mix everything together, then placed in a dark place. Use the need to a month.
- For an effective body wrap, you can take the salt, mustard and sand. Mix all ingredients, heat in a pan and put it in a bag. By applying such a sick industry. This method of treatment can help the activation of the recovery process, improve blood circulation and relieve the pain.