Sick neck osteochondrosis should know how to remove the aggravation.

The treatment during the exacerbations of the degenerative disc disease passes under the doctor's supervision, respect of the assignments. The time of aggravation, the physician will recommend that you stop doing sports. Acceptable swimming condition that after the pool the sick heat you vesta
It is important not to supercool. With the heat you have to be careful
Soothe the pain lying down on side with toned knees. Posture promotes traction of the spinal column, relaxation of disadvantaged nerve. During the exacerbations it is not possible to use the massage. It is possible to light caresses with the use of painkillers, ointments, gels. After handling the sore spot it is worth to conclude, give the patient to sleep.
The period of aggravation of the degenerative disc disease has a duration of 3 – 5 days. Depends on the degree of severity of the disease, the number of patients the vertebrae, the age of the patient, the respect of the recommendations of the doctor. After the remission of the pain, and the pain starting to move. But little by little, not supercool.
Because the disease getting worse
It is necessary to note that the process of aggravation does not depend on the initial phase, can occur to any of them, from the first until the last. Deterioration always precedes reason. Their main list it seems so.
- The patient has committed any sudden movements.
- Cervical area, provided the load is excessive.
- In the case of lifting weights, or their long journey.
- The patient is in a state of stress or a situation, when he is nervous.
- The product I am not an expert of massage. Or specialist I have a patient with degenerative disc disease, because it has not been warned.
- We observe strong oscillations of the weather conditions.
- The patient received the cold of the whole body or preparation of the cervical area.
- After the bath or sauna, the patient is immersed in a hole in the ice or just cold water.
- The age of the patient is significant, to which the intervertebral discs are worn and damaged due to age, the rate of wear and tear.
If not treated back pain, on which phase you're in, the aggravation, to meet before or then. The symptoms of the aggravation of degenerative disc disease of the neck, you need to know and understand where good, differentiated from the signs of other vertebrate disorders.
The symptoms of worsening

Brightness the severity of the symptoms depends on the stage of the pathology and its degree of progression.
Their following list.
- Pain in the area of the head.
- Reduce the sensitivity of the parietal in the area.
- The pain from a side of the neck.
- The pain in the collarbone and shoulder.
- The severity of the language.
- Breaks with breathing is not regular.
- The pain in the cardiac field.
- Pain events in the right hypochondrium.
- Headache with pressure on the eyes, both one-sided headache only in part.
- Crunch that resonates in the cervical area to the rear for the implementation of the tilt, nod your head, or its rotation.
- The fog in the eyes, spots or points, hearing disorders and ringing in the ears.
- Pain and muscle weakness in the hands, up to the brush.
Data symptoms it is hard not to pay attention to, and however are patients, that in this situation, not in a hurry to visit a doctor, and try to help each other with home remedies
Activities diet osteochondrosis includes:
- the normalization of metabolic processes;
- notice the limestone in the backbone;
- the recovery of the disorder of the cartilage structure;
- the strengthening of the ligaments of the intervertebral disc;
- reduce excess weight and prevention of obesity. It is well known that excess weight increases the load on the spine and causes the development of degenerative disc disease, therefore, patients with this disease is often diagnosed with obesity.
Dietary food must be the attending physician on the basis of the presence/absence of concomitant diseases. Messaging diet osteochondrosis no.
Which products should be included in the menu not necessarily:
- dairy products (whole milk and dairy products);
- dishes of vegetables, aromatic herbs. A particular emphasis is necessary to pay cabbages, cucumbers, radish, celery, sugar beet;
- fruit and berry dishes, including jellies and compotes;
- vegetable oils;
- low to the flesh;
- fields of specialities, gelatin;
- the variety of bread, biscuits, cakes;
- the eggs;
- walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
- cereals;
- seafood (fish, shrimp, seaweed, mussels);
- water natural.
In the diet diet osteochondrosis of the spinal column should be deleted:
- acids, concentrated broths,
- fatty red meat,
- refractory animal fats, bird (duck, goose),
- coffee and drinks containing caffeine will make you taste (strong tea, chocolate).
Limit the consumption of sweet foods and alkogolsoderzhaschih drinks.
Causes and symptoms of aggravation of cervical osteoarthritis
Low back pain — malocclusion on vertebral parts of the skeleton. When violations occur the intervertebral disc degenerate and degenerative character. Deviation affects the tissue the vertebrae, spreading the disease.
- VBN in the background of cervical arthrosis: treatment
- Acupuncture osteochondrosis of the cervical
The average age of onset of the disease — from 30 to 35 years. Because of an incorrect load distribution on the spine and the legs or because of traumatic injury deviation can be diagnosed very first.
The main signs that confirm the development of an aggravation of the disease:
- Painful sensations, given to the hands, arms, shoulders, periodically occurs, or a constant feeling of tension in the back and neck of the.
- The negative trend of the degenerative disc disease is accompanied by atrophic phenomena in muscle tissue, oscillation, sensitivity, abnormalities in the functioning of the organs due to the compression and displacement.
- Pain in the head, dizziness, frequent tiredness, and discomfort in the hands.
- Rigidity, inability to slopes, curves, caused numbness of the limbs, muscle and joint pain, cramps, hypotension.
- Flies and spots in eyes, noise in the ears.
Is not spent the therapy time cervical osteoarthritis may pass through a phase of severe-exacerbations. The treatment in this phase should be a doctor.
The causes of deviations of the spinal column:
- Wrong receiving the weight spine post — sock bags, hand-to-hand always on one shoulder or in one hand.
- Curved sitting posture mode.
- Too soft mattress, high pillow to sleep.
- Wear shoes on the wrong anatomic construction, narrow, oppressive, high heels, causing fatigue to the muscles and the worsening of the diseases of the spinal column, arthrosis of cervical part.
- The lack of physical exercise, excess weight, traumatic injuries to parts of the back, legs, flat feet.
- Of age, the degeneration processes due to disorder in the vascularization of the vertebral column.
- Physical fatigue, seizures, neuro-emotional system.
- Metabolism is disturbed, diseases of the stomach, intestines, accompanied by a defective assimilation of nutrients and minerals.
- It is a threat to the profession, to work in places with strong vibration.
- The presence of a genetic predisposition to a cervical osteochondrosis with exacerbations.
- The non-observance of rules of healthy posture during the period of active growth, the scoliosis.
- The dehydration of the body for long periods of time. Irregular, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins.
- The movement of the center of load that occurs during pregnancy, when not developed centre of gravity.
The exasperation caused by seasonal influenza, a way of life, can happen indefinitely.

For the proper and complete treatment is necessary to consult a doctor. He will appoint an effective examination, to find the cause of the disease. Will prescribe medicines, massages, treatment gymnastics.
During exacerbations prescribed the following medications:
- painkillers;
- chondroprotectors they apply for a long time, and to restore the cartilage tissue;
- muscle relaxants help to remove the muscle spasm;
- drugs nootropics;
- vasodilators;
- vitamin D.
The treatment can be carried out, as at home, in the hospital. It all depends on how strong the symptoms and what are the complications. To decide will only be a specialist. The doctor can send the point of massage, and so on. If you do not follow the directions of a specialist, which will lead to serious consequences.
You need to make in your diet, milk and dairy products, lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish.
Particular attention must be paid to those foods that contain gelatin, it is often gelatin. The olive oil need to eat for salads.
Better to eat a food that is steamed, boiled and baked. Abandon salty, sharp, fatty, smoked products. Do not drink coffee, tea, and leave distributors of fresh water.

A massage well help you to clean the tension in the muscles and normalize blood flow. But it is worth in a period of aggravation of the degenerative disc disease to do it very gently and run the only needs professional massage therapist.
If the patient is observed with strong feelings of pain, then he needs to adhere to bed rest. There are cases, that the patient does not get up. But this may not last more than three weeks, as well as the muscles can atrophy. If a person is felt to be an improvement, it is possible to get up, but a maximum of ten minutes per day. We have to do everything as it says in the doctor, otherwise it can lead to severe complications -.
It is much easier to avoid the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease of the chest. And can any person who takes care of their own health. For it was not an aggravation of the degenerative disc disease, it is necessary to follow simple rules.
Necessarily need to move more, because the malocclusion appears in people who a lot of sitting. As a result, they have stagnation and disorders of the circulation of the blood. Need regularly do hiking and going to the gym. This will help to prevent the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease.
Does not need to sit in drafts, because the spine is can blow. From this it hurts and thoracic spine, and lumbar spine. We recommend warm dress in winter, this is also dependent on the human health. It's not worth being in a cold environment, if not the desire to hurt.
When there is an excess of weight, you need to get rid of obesity. To do this is not always as simple as you would like people. Will have to stay on a diet and going to the gym. There is no need to choose fatty foods and a passive lifestyle, while sacrificing your health.
It is worth noting that it is extremely important to be able to sleep well. It is a fact that I have to buy a orthopedic mattress and pillow
They allow you to keep your spine and neck in the correct state during sleep. As is well known, just because of a wrong selected residential supplies are often problems with the vertebrae. So there is no need to save money on the bed attributes, and then your health will be much better.
The man himself can affect the way of aggravation is not successful. To do this, just follow the simple advice and not to forget your health. In addition, it is necessary to complete a full course of treatment of the disease, for the future has not had to suffer severe pain.
The surgical treatment of cervical osteoarthritis in the acute phase
The operation can be recommended if the patient has a strong pain, which is not coupled to the non-surgical treatment. The surgery usually is not osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, if only the doctor does not believe:
- The spinal nerve is blocked a herniated disk or bone (cervical radiculopathy);
- Compressed the spinal cord.
Depending on many factors, the operation is performed step-by-step step-by-step is with the front part of the neck, or on the back. In some cases it may be necessary as well as front and rear access to the resolution of the compression and buckling of the spinal cord. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. The doctor will discuss with the patient, what is the best method for the specific case, but also on the possible risks and consequences of the operation.
Spinal fusion is, in fact, the "welding" process. The main task is to link the vertebrae so that they are merged into a single solid bone. The fusion allows you to correct the movement between the vertebrae and reduces the flexibility of the cervical spine, which eliminates the cause of the pain.
When an operation is the material, called a bone marrow transplant, and promotes fusion of the vertebrae. Small pieces of bones the place where you removed the disc or the bone. In some cases, the doctor may implant a spacer or synthetic "cage" between two adjacent vertebrae. This cage usually contains material of the bone graft, which allows the fusion of two vertebrae. After the installation of the bone graft, the result is fixed with metal screws, plates or terminals, to increase the speed of melting and the subsequent stabilisation of the cervical spine.
The bone graft is extracted or from a patient's bone (autograft), or from a donor (the allograft). If you use the first option, the bone is usually taken of the hip area. Harvesting of bone graft requires an additional cut during the operation. This increases the operation time, and can cause an increase of pain after the procedure.

During the course of the front part of the neck, a discectomy, the particular doctor removes the problem of disk and bone spurs, and then stabilizes the spine through fusion of the spine. As a general rule, the plate with the screws you added to the front of the spine to create a further fixing. And when the neck corectomy, instead the disk is removed vertebra (bone), then you stabilize the spinal column, as with the previous mode of operation.
There is also a laminectomy. In this situation, is removed bone arch, which constitutes the posterior part of the spinal canal (lp), including any bone spurs, and ligaments, squeeze your spinal cord. The laminectomy helps to reduce the pressure on the spinal cord, providing additional space. While laminectomy provides full decompression of the spinal cord, the procedure makes the bones less stable. For this reason, patients often want to install the screws and the pins.
Risks and recovery after surgery
Potential risks and complications with any operation on the cervical spine include:
- The infection;
- Injury to the spinal cord.
- The reaction to the anesthesia;
- The need for additional operations in the future;
- Pain or difficulty swallowing a bit of time;
- The change in the voice;
- Shortness of breath at first.
The majority of patients can walk and eat on the first day after the surgery. Depending on the type of procedure, the spine is connected to the drain tube for the excretion of liquids or accumulated blood, which may remain after the surgery. In a few weeks the patient will be difficult to swallow solid foods. Some time must wear a collar with the spine.
What would be the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis in the acute phase has not chosen the patient, has the meaning of to refer you to a specialist. The causes of cervical arthrosis, perhaps, chronic stress, a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, incorrect massage techniques, or sports injuries. For a speedy recovery, you must follow all instructions of your doctor, do not be nervous, and do not have to strain the neck. In the absence of a special collar orthopedic, you may want to sit down in an armchair with a headrest. During the treatment of acute exacerbations, it should avoid bends in the head, it is prohibited the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as is contraindicated visit to the steam bath and sauna. Regular massage, proper nutrition, and running the sized complex of exercises can help you avoid re-grinding and cervical osteoarthritis.
The causes of exacerbations
The loss of motor activity and clogged synthetic products markets, the abundance of fast food have led to the incorrect power supply, over 70% of the population. It is a favourable platform for the development of all types of chondrosis and other diseases.
An important role in regards to the causes of the development of degenerative disc disease to play legacy, and also the presence of a patient, previous injuries, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal disorders. Colds and hypothermia cervical also lead to the development of this disease.
Aggravation can develop as a result of a number of factors
In addition to these factors, there is still a whole series of reasons for the development of this disease. Let's talk about each of them more detail.
This is the right season
Mainly the risk of aggravation of the degenerative joint disease of the cervical disc is necessary for two seasons – fall and spring. A strong lowering of the temperature leads to colds and the deterioration of the patients osteochondrosis. Most of all, are suffering from the patients with this type of cervical disease, as well as not all the autumn wear scarves. From here the back pain in the neck, decreased immunity, and as a consequence, the aggravation of cervical osteoarthritis.
During menstruation
Scientifically proven of the fact of the aggravation of degenerative disc disease during menstruation no. But logically, this can be explained as follows. In the "special" days the hormones of women radically rebuilt, this leads to the fact that the estrogen level decreases, by tapping when the production of collagen and the sharing of the football. Because of this suffering, the skeletal system, from here, perhaps, and the aggravation of degenerative disc disease.
The aggravation of the degenerative disc disease is possible in a period of critical days for women
After the bath
Visit of the thermal baths and causes a lot of controversy regarding the damage or advantage. To give clear advice for this reason, it can only the doctor, in terms of his knowledge about the degree of negligence of your illness, conditions of the respiratory system and cardiovascular. If the visit of the baths is not contraindicated, take note of the board.
With osteochondrosis of the cervical brava a procedure, if you do not have a for for an allergy to honey. Before entering the steam bath, lubricate the neck and shoulders, honey, after the visit to the steam bath, the honey is almost completely absorbed. Repeat this procedure serves for 2-3 times during a visit to the bathroom
Important pack up after the bathroom and freshen up before going out not less than half an hour. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the course of the disease
It is possible to take a bath in this malocclusion, can only suggest the doctor
After the massage
Massage expert is competent, it aims to facilitate the conditions of the patient with osteochondrosis of the cervical. Don't underestimate the specialists of this profile. But if you entrust the procedure of massage to a person who does not have the proper medical training, the consequences can be abysmal, as well as properly done massage can result in a loss.
Aggravation can occur after a properly conducted massage
If you can do the self-massage during a flare-up?
My answer is no. Self-massage and all other types of massage are contraindicated in this period. Otherwise, you can only hurt yourself, because self-massage and massage mobilizes the whole of the cervical tissue, directly affects and in contact with the vertebrae and the roots during the various techniques.
Then in a period of acute self-massage is contraindicated, but during the remission process and to maintain its recovery, self-massage and much needed!
I'm not going to re-tell the story of his article on self-massage, and only remember the link, if you want to remember this material is more.
Dear friends, I hope that my article was helpful for you. Do not forget that it is better to do my neck until the development of all the complications and acute, that all this is overcome through suffering and difficulties. Lead an active lifestyle and not to forget of medicines, exercise, even in those cases, when there is nothing to worry about!
What is the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease
Chronic degenerative-dystrophic processes of the cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs, located in one or more departments of the spinal column, are called osteochondrosis. The progress of the disease, malocclusion spreads to the joints, intervertebral, to the bone. In the remission phase, the patient may not experience any uncomfortable sensations, but the periods of exacerbation are accompanied by strong long pain in different parts of the body.
Depending on the stage of the vertebral column, in which they develop pathological changes, show the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sharing of back pain (flowing is interrupted in a number of departments). For each type of disease is characterized by the symptoms of the individual, there are the nuances of tactics, the scheme of treatment.

For all types of the disease distinguish three main forms of the current in the periods of relapse:
- Regressing – is manifested in the initial stages; in this course each subsequent aggravation flows less intense than the previous one.
- Typically-stable – with the regular use for the physiotherapeutic treatment and control for the state to slow down the degenerative processes, the intensity of the manifestations of the pain syndrome by an attack to the other remains practically unchanged.
- Progressive – the frequency of exacerbations in growth, increased pain, pathological changes in the intervertebral discs progressing.
The duration of aggravation depends on the form of the disease, its place of location, health status and individual characteristics of the patient's body. A slight and constant phase, the length of the relapse is from 2-3 to 7-10 days. In the event of a severe progressive form of the aggravation of the disease lasts from one to three weeks. Active treatment is continued for several months – regardless of the characteristics of the current and the type of degenerative disc disease.
Low back pain is considered a disease of the medium or to the third age, its appearance is due to hereditary factors, lead an unhealthy lifestyle with excessive or insufficient load on the spine. In recent years, the disease is significantly "younger". The doctors also reveal a separate type of disease – the youth – of which affects children and adolescents.